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frank's floater

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Everything posted by frank's floater

  1. Well done Zoran and Maria, I think you cant beat having your better half fishing with you, I'm all for it.. Problem is - we bait, rig gaff etc and they catch the bigger fish and have bragging rights !!!
  2. Well done! but where did you get the bacon and egg roll
  3. Hi All, took my young kids and my girlfriend out fishing in the harbour on sunday, they had an absolute ball catching leather jackets. So if you want your kids or partner to like fishing, i found that these pests are great for getting the family hooked on fishing , they dont get bored, easy to handle, easy to clean, and the kids love to eat them. But teach them to tie knots before you go out, or your going to be a busy boy/girl -take it from me.......
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