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Everything posted by dirvin21

  1. Our challenge is to catch as many species as possible over the 3 months of winter aiming to keep us off the warm recliner chairs over the winter months starting with a booked trip to copeton early June 🥶 I'm quite confident in a winter GT a winter jack that's the prize🤌
  2. That's what we're doing, setting ourselves a challenge to keep motivated
  3. The nasci is a great reel definitely recommend The catanas are ok but they're not overly light. 8 foot can get a bit more difficult working small lures, 7 to 7 foot 6 with a fast action would work better for you
  4. I forgot parts of the cudgegong are trout water which will be closed season to all forms of fishing when you're there, there's still part of the river that's open https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/619929/Trout-Waters-Primefacts-Central-2021.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjdpKuKmvb-AhXHSmwGHRSAAiIQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0US3JgwqOaphTxJcqLVaB7
  5. The lure fishing csn be tough in the rivers during winter but as Steve said weedless plastic grub and spinnerbaits, also a 3/8oz chatterbait with a 3 inch soft plastic work well on smaller cod and perch If you're fishing worms or prawns for bait a 1/0 hook would be my choice and if using bogger baits like chicken for cod I'd go a 5/0 circle hook
  6. Should be murray cod and golden perch, worms make good bait for most freshwater species I've also caught cod on chicken breast
  7. I find winter fishes just as well as summer, you may not catch as many fish but the size is often better the biggest difference is scrap the summer early morning starts let the sun warm the water a bit Amy and I are setting ourselves a winter challenge to see how many different species of fish we can catch over this winter
  8. Got to be careful with those charts they can get in your head, fish will feed at any stage of the tide or solar/lunar cycle of tye opportunity presents itself Bream in particular feed at all stages of the tide they're always hungry, top end of tide try right up on the edges, as the tide starts to runout they'll move back on the drop offs from the same edges, most of the big bream upriver spend 90% of their time feeding on submerged timber regardless of the tide
  9. Abu garcia veritas 7 foot 10-15kg or I think theres a 6-12kg Got a noce soft tip for a heavy graded rod, can cast miles
  10. The cod raiders are a great rod, perfect for casting chatterbaits and big plastics
  11. Sit a cooler bag or small esky behind you
  12. Try it and see how it goes, as you get better upgrade your gear probably end up with sore arms from the rod weight
  13. Depends what sort of rod you're talking about I use a 4-8kg rod for larger plastics and soft vibes
  14. Medium to fast burn usually works best I have heard of using small sliw pitch jigs with an upwards retrieve and pause like you describe, I've had no success on it yet
  15. Some great fish there Mike Cracker of a Gt.... I'm 120% certain it's a GT
  16. Mate! Amazing trip and write up to match
  17. Tide generally just influences where I fish, personally I find most species bite better when the tides running
  18. thats awesome always wanted to catch one on surface
  19. As @DerekD mentioned imagine how a fish or prawn would move Bream especially like a subtle twitch/flick type movement, I generally tell people to tap tye plastic with there rod, using wrist and elbow movement
  20. The bite will normally be a tick in the line on the drop Occasionally you will physically feel a tap My advice stay mobile, if you're not getting hit move on
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