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  1. Another quick one guys, Thought this was a sand whiting but now I'm lead to believe it is an eastern school whiting, caught in very shallow waters amongst the swimmers at Jervis bay, there were lots swimming around, want to be 100% sure because I am teaching my kids to ID the different fish species, as well as learning myself.
  2. Thank you for the feedback, Getting better ID fish straight away, some still keep me guessing but.
  3. Not sure if this a juvenile Black Drummer, catch drummer similar size last week but didn't have these markings, but the head and fins look like a drummer.
  4. Thanks guys. Another fish to add to the list of fish I have caught ?
  5. Caught this pike off the breakwall at Newcastle. Think it might be a long finned pike but not 100% sure.
  6. Just wondering what these are, caught on different occasions, almost Positive there the same fish but just not sure.. Thanx in advance.
  7. Thanks BF always happy to learn a few things from the more experienced fishermen. Never knew that about the silver trevally. When I looked at pics online of the blue trevally the markings looked similar but I noticed the blues tail is more deeply forked then the 3 silvers I pulled in at The Entrance. All 3 of them had the stripes but they weren't big fish. Just a side note all 5 of my kids caught at least 1 fish that day. Great seeing my kids learning the species of fish they catch and they enjoy watching them swim away when they release them.
  8. Mate at work says blue trevally?????. Caught a silver trevally before and had no stripes like this.
  9. Thanks mate I think you are spot on. Happy to see him swim away when I released him back into the water as they are endangered.
  10. Thanks for the answers guys. I was fishing of the rocks at Plantation Point, Jervis Bay. May have cast long enough to a drop off maybe.
  11. Got a couple more fish ID pics from Jervis Bay. First one I have absolutely no idea on this small fella who I thought was a bit of seaweed on my hook. The second I don't think it's an Eastern Kelpfish as I have caught plenty of those, thinking Rock Cale but I haven't caught one before. Any help would be appreciated, thanking you in advance
  12. Thanks for the response BF. These are the mullet before they went in the freezer the night before if it helps. Always value your opinion ?
  13. Caught these mullet at The Entrance. Thinking bottom is a sand mullet but not sure if top one is same species Caught this trevally at The Entrance also, don't think it's a juvenile silver trevally though. Any feedback would be helpful, thanking you guys in advance
  14. This is the same fish, taken about 20 secs after the first before it went back into the water.
  15. All our fish are Catch and Release, the young fella likes to take photos and add them to a journal of what he's caught ? he doesn't actually eat fish lol
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