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Effects Of Rain On Fishing?


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what are everyones thoughts on fishing in the rain??????????????

does the rain bring the fish on?

does it shut them down?

does it make them more picky?

or do you not know because you dont fish in the rain?

also is the fishing beter after the rain?

your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


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If I am after freshwater fish then it is after rain without a doubt, it has always brought the bigger fish on the bite for me.

As for saltwater fishing my results are not as clear - Some good, some very bad BUT, that may just be because the fish are getting smarter & I am getting dumber.



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Hi Diver1 Any weather change is a good one if you are on the water fishing at the onset. The mouth of a river or a little outside the heads at the colour line, which you have to look back for from further out, fishes well when there has been heavy flooding with too much freshwater coming into the salt and enough mud which takes the oxgen out sufficiently for fish to have to head outside and these are times when bait fish become food for predators and incoming pelagics.

It's also good to be fishing when black rain clouds and rain come out of nowhere on constantly good boating days, although it's still a eather change as I have referred to above, but sudden rain is not necessarily always a conditions change unless it is ongoing and that's best identified by reading a barometer and noting the fluctuation.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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G'day gang jewgaffer has it pretty much down pat.The only thins I would add is.When you've got showers and it's overcast fish like bream bite alittle more freely :thumbup: .And on a safty point if you are fishing some where like the beach and you see lighting.Get the hell out of there.Long rods ,open spacees and lighting tend to go together in a most unfortunate way :1yikes:

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I have had good success after some rain. but it depends on where i am fishing. if you fish further upstream, i find the freshwater from the rain can push the fish further downstream. i fish up past roseville quite a bit, and surprisingly, i caught my biggest flathead after 1 weeks worth of heavy rain.

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where abouts do you guys check the barometer?

You can can check the barometer at www.bom.gov.au

As for the rain, good on the build up and during. If it's a flood type down pour not so good till it starts to clear then it will be come very good while it clears this applies to all fishing by my reconing, but when it comes to flood conditions that color change can go off hey.

Lata Raidas.


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Jam sandwiches get soggy and don't taste very nice. :thumbdown:

Difficult to light your cigarette and keep it lit. :mad3:

Spectacles have no wipers so vision becomes blurred. :(

Boat fills up with water from rain, sh#t - have to bail out. :1badmood:

Beer is diluted by effects of rain. :beersmile:

Can't be bothered fishing cause fingers too bloody cold. :wacko:

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some of my better catches have been in weather so bad that the average joe wont go out in!

In my experience rain is usually a good thing.

I remember fishing in the rain one day at brooklyn years ago with another guy and i still remember to this day we caught 25 bream 15 flathead 7 flounder and a 2lb whiting - we had that much rain the water rose over the bridge at north richmond that night!

another time about10 years ago 1 week after mothers day it rained for about a week and the river turned chocolate colour in 4 trips to the windsock at laughtondale I caught 2 ten pound jew a 9 lb jew and several around 5-6 lb as well as anywhere between 6 and a dozen flathead every trip and hundreds of small jew, the fishing was so intense it was impossible to fish with more than 1 rod!

Another night at wiso's a storm hit and just as the storm was building and we were deciding whether to go or risk getting caught in it, my mate caught a 9lb jew and a 12 lb jew in about 5mins - needless to say we got a wet bum on the way back , but it was worth it!


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bad weather is one thing i love fishing in. The rain most of all keeps the water traffic to a minimum which i think has a posative effect on fishing.

after a huge amount of rain i no in my neck of the woods the catches decline and will normally take a couple of weeks before the action gets back to normal.

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