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Swordie Reaches The Big 50


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Mate, there aren't enough smileys to be able to wish you a big enough congrats for the big 5 Oh

Hope you get everything your heart desires for your birthday and get to share it with all the important people in your life.

Donna... you make sure you look after the old fella!!

Have lots of :beersmile::beersmile:

Best wishes, all the Slinkies

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All the best Stewey. Hope you have a great day.

but Damn that is a big number



:1happybday::1happybday::1happybday: to youuuuuuuu my darling swordfisherman

Have a great 50th birthday and many more to come. :wub:

Make sure you wish Her Majesty many happy returns too lol

Yours Truly xx

Thanks Darlin and what a great day it is when I get home from work and my new PS3 is waiting for me with Resident Evil 5 :yahoo:


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:1happybday::1happybday::1happybday: Stewy! OMG! :1yikes: You have reached the Half Century! Have a great celebration!

You are only as old as you act, so Do what I do ......... keep 'em guessing!!!

hmmmm, now I have to google a PS3 & Resident Evil 5 to find out what they are!! :biggrin2:



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:1happybday: stewy....

the big 50 eh....

enjoy the ps3 and RE3...

im not jealous ...really im not..... not much anyways :drool::drool:

maybe i should show this to my :wife: for my 40th in a few weeks.....

enjoy a few :beersmile: and im sure donna will be looken after ya tonight when ya get home..


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