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Rod Building


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hey guys

like my title says im looking for someone to teach me the basics of rod building.

im looking to start on my first spin rod and would love to see how its done before i try

and stuff things up.

i have a basic idea on how its all done but would like to see how the guides are wrapped and epoxied.

so if anyone is building a rod at the moment or is about to start a new project it would be nice to have

a look and ask a few questions

willing to travel

thanks guys

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A basic rod is not hard to build and i have built lots. It get harder as you want more detail like custom wrap design and i have done plenty of these as well.

PM me if you want. I live on Erskine Park

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Hey Tricks,

I just finished rebuilding my old beach rod. It was my 1st attempt at rod building, there is a lot of information out there so take the time to read up as much as you can. One thing I can pass on, is it dosen't have to be expensive if you have access to basic tools.

For my rod wrapper I just made a simple V notch affair (sorry I couldn't attach the file too big)Do a search on rod wrappers. For the rod dryer I used the rottisery off my BBQ or you can pick one up at Bunnings for about $20 2x 'D' size batteries as well as the other hardware needed. Experienced rod builders like Kingpig will offer you more advice.

However I had fun with it and was pleased with the result although I feel I could have done a better job, anyway good luck with your project.


ps try this web site http://www.rodbuildingtutorials.com

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thanks for the replies guys.

for now i'll jus stick to the basics till i build up some experience. thanks for the offer mate.

Bill your idea for the dyrer is tops. never would of thought of that.


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