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2 stroke outboard oil comparison.


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Ok, so I know the benefits of using XD100/XD50 oil compared to other TCW3 oils in oil injected motors, but I couldn't find any other good/bad points or a comparison on any other brands of 2 stroke outboard oil being used in a carby oil injected motor.

I have always used Quicksilver (Mercury) oil for my 2005 60hp oil injected Mercury outboard with no issues but I have never used anything else to compare it to.

I am all for buying the best you can afford, but at the moment my budget is really limited so I got some prices from the local area as follows:

XD 100- $75 for 1 gallon (approx 3.78L)

Quicksilver Mercury oil- $49.50 for 1 gallon (3.78L)

Penrite- $39 for 5L

Shell Nautilus- $36.95 for 4L

Im curious if anyone have any experience or knowledge to compare the cheaper oils as the advantages of the xd100 have already been discussed in other threads?

I guess after all it's expensive for a reason. But i'm looking for an alternative.



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Hey Mick,

From what i have been advised by numerous outboard mechanics is once you start to use a brand of 2 stroke oil in your motor, not to change it.

I dont no if this is due to viscosity or whatever, but thats why i have stuck with quiksilver.

I hate buying becuase its bloody expensive and barely anywhere stocks it, but im too scared to change it now.

Maybe speak to your mechanic before switching oils?


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Hey Mick,

From what i have been advised by numerous outboard mechanics is once you start to use a brand of 2 stroke oil in your motor, not to change it.

I dont no if this is due to viscosity or whatever, but thats why i have stuck with quiksilver.

I hate buying becuase its bloody expensive and barely anywhere stocks it, but im too scared to change it now.

Maybe speak to your mechanic before switching oils?


Yea Im thinking that too as I've seen the effects of switching and combining engine oils in car engines over many kms, but as the oil is being mixed with the fuel and burnt off Im wondering if this would this be so much of an issue?

I will speak to my marine mechanic but Im thinking I'll get a bias opinion as they only sell Quicksilver oils!

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I use penrite......for everything!

I'm a motor mechanic and about two years ago I tried it in my car. Absolutely the best oil you can buy. And no I'm no longer a mechanic and have no vested interests. It simply is the best oil I've used.

After that I switched to penrite in the boat(oil injected 90 merc) and haven't looked back.

At the end of the day but, your motor will dictate the best oil to use. So go with what it runs best on.

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Hey mick I used to quicksilver oil and I can't tell any difference Visibly anyway

I only use xd1oo cos ive been told its the best off a couple of people and

Would love to know the difference myself like scientific tests or something just something totally unbiased

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I use penrite......for everything!

I'm a motor mechanic and about two years ago I tried it in my car. Absolutely the best oil you can buy. And no I'm no longer a mechanic and have no vested interests. It simply is the best oil I've used.

After that I switched to penrite in the boat(oil injected 90 merc) and haven't looked back.

At the end of the day but, your motor will dictate the best oil to use. So go with what it runs best on.

Yea im the same have had nothing but good experiences with penrite oil in motor vehicles (I have no vested interest in the product either). Being australian made/owned and for the price it sure looks good!

Dicko- Thanks for the input!

Fishon- Cheers. I thought you might "see" the benefits due to less smoke / cleaner burn that alot of people rave on about?

But I guess you cant see whats happening on the inside and thats the most important bit!

Cheers guys.

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Hi, another topic that everyone will have an opinion on and as long as an oil mets the rating then it is good, but some oils are definately better than others and no matter what brand of oil injected carby outboard I owned I would use XD-100 if my engine and if you are paying $75?g you are paying way too much and buying in bulk it should cost about $58/G and that would not be much dearer than any cheap mineral based oils. Also a big thing with any brand or technology is making sure the engine is tuned and running right becase a carby engine that is running cold at idle do not like it so make sure the basics are there first IF you want to get the best runability.

Swapping brands constantly is not good becuase a cheap oil and some are better than others will produce more carbon than others and over time that sticks pistons rings and alot of issues can result. A top of the line fully synethic oil like XD-100 burns very clean for waht you can see and do not see and why would use it if I had a carby engine.

There are many articles I have read but the best is by a gentleman called Bill Grannis and if you search for it there is an article and scientific testing he did a few years ago for BWB magazine, that is longer long in press, which is a shame because I subsrcibed to this US mag and it was the best I have ever seen.



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Hi, as I said buying in bulk will get a cheaper price and buying a 1G bottle and having it couriered is not what i call buying in bulk. A 5G drum and picking up this drum will be cheaper and we make no money out of the fact we get it delivered to your door.



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Hi, as I said buying in bulk will get a cheaper price and buying a 1G bottle and having it couriered is not what i call buying in bulk. A 5G drum and picking up this drum will be cheaper and we make no money out of the fact we get it delivered to your door.



hey hey hey pull up huey wasnt havn a go at you mate

its handy as

by the way how much for 5 gallons delivered?


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Hi Fishon, that is the problem with forums I can not hear your tone or see your face and I did not take offence, just wanted to let you know you can get it cheaper by buying in bulk. A 5G drum delivered costs $300.



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Hi Fishon, that is the problem with forums I can not hear your tone or see your face and I did not take offence, just wanted to let you know you can get it cheaper by buying in bulk. A 5G drum delivered costs $300.



yeah thats very true about the tone n stuff all good mate

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Just my opinion i,m using shell nautilas and have no issues motor wise for many years

Maintenance , TUNING regular GEARBOX OIL CHANGES , MAINTENANCE are important for long life.

XD 100 for the e-tec motors is manufactured to provide alot more lubrication as they go through alot less oil than older engines burn and need that lubricant factor. I think a good quality oil is more than adequate for older engines mixed with quality fuel optimax etc.


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  • 2 years later...

Hi, that gentleman would have to be one of the most knowledgeable people on outboards of all brands and no he does not work for OMC/BRP, just a freelance expert that has spun tools in his time too. I have known him for a few years now and he knows what he is talking about and he used to also write for Bass and Walleye Magazine in the States, which was one of, if not the best mag of its type I have come across-I used to look forward to my mag arriving monthly from them.

This is an old post but still valid and if you get that V4 the min I would use is XD-50 with XD-100 being the best for lubricate and lack of smoke even in an old tech engine like you are looking at.



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Huey, I recently used some Valvoline 2 stroke mix for my little 8 HP Yamaha. The bottle was sealed but the colour was not at all like oil, it was black. is that normal for that brand?




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Hi, nothing wrong with XD-30, it is a mineral based oil that meets the TC-W3 standard but it far from the best. In any carby oil injected engine the best is XD-100-simple as that. In a pre-mix engine or if someone wants to save $10 then XD-50 is a very good oil too.

If you have an oil injected engine and you switched to XD-100 and did a few hours to get the old stuff out of the system and the engine gets used to running on XD-100 you will see improvements and some people have even claimed performance gains-one thing is for sure the Valvoline will be made to met the standards and that is it.



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in the 70's my dad used to be a commercial fisherman, and ran his 20 hp evinrude 8 hours a day 6 days a week, it would last a year. then after advice, he changed from Valvoline to quicksilver, and the motor would last 2 1/2 years. so there is a lot to gain by using a good quality oil if you use your motor a lot. this was the 70's mind you, and standards have changed

Edited by piratesgold
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