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what a jew of a week


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Started off Thursday with plans to chase reds but the seas got the better of us and a long run punching straight into it was tossed over board. Plan B to chase jews sent us up river

in Next and it didn't take us long to score a few schoolies.

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Today we went up the Hawkesbury for the first time to chase jews on lures. We had a few spots to try and it didn't take long at all to score the first at spot 1. Hopped a plastic along a really currenty rock wall and got my new PB on lures at 18 Kgs on the boga grips.

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swam away strongly:yahoo:

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Rich got a couple of nice ones to and also a new PB of 11 or 12 kgs, cant remember.

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Thanks Rich for a top day out and new jew PB's, YEAH BABY:yahoo:



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Thanks guys for your comments.

The lures that we threw that day went from the usual 20gm Tranny, the 5.5" crown shad in water melon pepper and the 4.8" sexy shad, I think Rich might have got his first on a squidgie or gulp, not sure but the shads seemed to be the most liked.

I was throwing on 20lb leaders and Rich was on 15lb. In the water we were fishing which went from 5ft on the edge to 80ft in the deeeep sections, there was scattered rock bars along the edge, snaggy to say the least!

We fished 5/0 5/8ths and threw them up current and hopped them as soon as you saw the lure tap the bottom. Leave it to long and the line drag would pull your lure along the bottom and you would get snagged.

Fishing an FG knot we were able to confidently snap off a jig head only on the snags and would be left with a leader saving time on rerigging. Only tied 2 leaders all day on 2 rodsthumbup.gif

I haven't fished the Hawkesbury for so long! Love the place but man it's huge! There is so much great looking grounds up there and can't wait to explore more throwing the bigger stuff. Still got the goal of cracking a 20kegger, Hawkesbury's definitely the place to do it me thinks.


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