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Setting a spread

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G'day guys

Coming to that time of year when the big stuff gets pulled out ready for some wide runs.

This year I'm intending to run some larger lures. Before we use to run just 15;s and 24's so our spread only went to 12" but this season I will run 2x 80's so we can tow some larger lures.

Regarding lure positions, before I use to run the 24's off the riggers and run 1x joe yee 12" and a Marlin Magic 12 off the other. Slide the 15's close in with 10" lures. The spred has work well in the past and have had days where every lure in the spread has been eaten by a marlin.

Was on the "can" the other day reading tips on lure spreads, there they say to run the big ones in close and smaller further back and on the riggers.....Oppisite to what I do.

So what's your call on this?

Big in close or out back?


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Hey Greg its been a long time since I did some work as a deckie but in a spread of five we always ran the largest lures off the corners smallest furtherest back up the middle and middle size lures off the outriggers so for us it was mainly 2x24kgs corners and 15kgs for the rest for your case it probably would be 37kgs off the corners and 24kgs for the rest how far back will depend on what wash your boat gives off and what sea is running Middle lure will be a shotgun quite a way back

Edited by The Iceman
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as above,

the lead lure represents the lead fish of a school, the dominant and larger fish in the school. the later fish represent the others following or just keeping up. Also a predator willing to get close to the boat will be up for a chase, where a lazy looker might only be interested in sipping down an easy snack.

Dont fall into the trap of towing a spread of exciting aggressive lures, sure they look cool and bring up the fish but you also need an easy feed out there as well. Why cook a meal if theres a bowl of chips already on the table?

good luck with the bigguns.

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Mate I am asking the same question to myself, although I can only run 3 lures. I have a 8000 stella, TLD25 and a Tiagra 50W. I am going to try and run my largest skirt on the shotgun pole out the back running on the tiagra , then smaller skirts each side near the witchdoctor. Not sure yet how it will go but I figure that to a fish it may look as though the 2 smaller lures are being chased by the shotgun lure ?

Cant wait to give it a go !!

Goodluck :thumbup:

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General rule of thumb for rod posi is, heaviest combo/s short corner and long corner, then next heaviest on outriggers, and as above to shotty. eg 2 x 24 in short and long, 2 x 15 in outriggers, 10, 8 or 6 shotty. or scene 2, 1 x 37 short 1 x 24 long 2 x 15 outriggers etc or 24 short 15 long 10s outiggers etc. Get the drift....? Lure selection, biggest meanest lure short corner always, next biggest long corner. then whatever you like. Everyone has a thousand and one opinions on this and you must gather as much info as you can, put it all in a bowl and pick out what you think will work. You have to find what will work for you. I have about 50 lures of different types, i still only run 5 favourites the rest look pretty in rolls :074: . Yet i dont even compare to some bloke in the lure stakes. Remember alaways run a lumo on the long corner.

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Just remember that the boat is the biggest lure!!!! All that ruckus (yes a good lure!!!) on the surface. Keep those big lures short.

Remember Greg when we fished with Andy on Nautitax all those years ago how he always ran that "VB Beer Can Lure" on the short corner....Well it was'nt there for show. He got his best Blue Marlin on that lure at 264kg on 37kg. We always run a Black Bart "Grander Candy" on the short corner, right on top of a "witch doctor"these days. Just for when that "Big Blue" pops up!!!! Learnt that one from the boys on "Marquis"

As for the lumo sprocket on the long rigger/corner.....first lure out....no question......

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General rule of thumb for rod posi is, heaviest combo/s short corner and long corner, then next heaviest on outriggers, and as above to shotty. eg 2 x 24 in short and long, 2 x 15 in outriggers, 10, 8 or 6 shotty. or scene 2, 1 x 37 short 1 x 24 long 2 x 15 outriggers etc or 24 short 15 long 10s outiggers etc. Get the drift....? Lure selection, biggest meanest lure short corner always, next biggest long corner. then whatever you like. Everyone has a thousand and one opinions on this and you must gather as much info as you can, put it all in a bowl and pick out what you think will work. You have to find what will work for you. I have about 50 lures of different types, i still only run 5 favourites the rest look pretty in rolls :074: . Yet i dont even compare to some bloke in the lure stakes. Remember alaways run a lumo on the long corner.

Finin, Like the reply how true you are. :thumbup: Lumo some where between long corner or riggers, have lots of luck with this. Lure fishing is very addictive and lots of different lures required. :wacko: Own over 100 hundred lures and yes i find the same always have Favourite pattern. But hey will still keep trying patterns when fishing is slow. :mad3: Some times i have been blown away on marlin fishing inregards in what they will take. :1yikes:


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