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Operation Alpha Mike 11 nets good results

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An operation targeting recreational fishers in the State’s south west on the opening of the Murray cod weekend has resulted in the seizure of a number of fish and illegal fishing gear.

NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) Fisheries Compliance Director, Glenn Tritton, said Operation DPI Alpha Mike 11 was conducted in the Hume, Riverina, South West Slopes and Far West Districts of the south west zone during the opening of the Murray cod season on 1 December.

“Five teams of NSW DPI Fisheries Officers targeted the Murray River between Howlong and Echuca, the Darling River from Wilcannia to Pooncarie, Edward River, Gulpa Creek, Billabong Creek, Wakool River, Niemur River as well as Lakes Mulwala, Blowering, Burrinjuck, Copago and Teryawynuia as part of Operation DPI Alpha Mike 11,” Mr Tritton said.

“A total of 628 fishers were checked over the four days, including participants in the annual Mulwala Cod Classic, and Blowering Dam’s Hammy Cup, with 90% of fishers found to be doing the right thing.

“A total of 38 penalty notices and 34 written cautions were issued for offences including failing to purchase and/or carry a recreational fishing licence, possess undersize fish, possess mutilated fish, possess illegal fishing gear and harm threatened species.

“Illegal fishing gear including 24 yabby traps, 11 fish traps, 1 gill net and 18 setlines were seized as well as a number of native and threatened fish species including trout cod, golden perch, silver perch and Murray cod.

“This is a timely reminder that it pays to purchase a recreational fishing licence which are available at more than 1000 outlets including bait and tackle shops, and some Kmart stores as well as your local Fisheries office. Licences are also available online at www.licence.nsw.gov.au or by calling 1300 369 365.

“Money raised from the sale of recreational fishing licences funds a number of fisheries officers involved in this operation” Mr Tritton said.

“Despite the few illegal fishing matters detected, it appears that more fishers are doing the right thing and indicates that the message is getting through.

“Illegal fishing robs the community of a precious resource that’s there for everyone to enjoy, and our officers will continue to target those doing the wrong thing,” Mr Tritton said.

To report illegal fishing, contact the Fishers’ Watch Phone Line on 1800 043 536. For more information visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au

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