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Kyak Konundrum


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Hi Pomey_Git

Here are some questions you may want to consider:

* Pedal or paddle kayak?

* Are your sessions always going to be tandem or will be there be solo moments? If so, how often? Maneuvering a tandem kayak by yourself is possible but somewhat difficult and may require re-rigging.

* Speed vs stability? Longer vs wider hull?

* What features are important to you and what might you sacrifice? How many rod holders available? Cup holders etc? How much storage is available (What type of storage)? Are they conveniently located?

If you can go to a store to tryout a few, that would be great. Otherwise research a few models you think would suit you. Get the specs and Youtube them to see how they perform and what other people have to say.

There are plenty of good models on the market with pros and cons to each and you could make a good case for any. Just find the one that suits you best.



Edited by Paul
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