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catching some prawns and garfish at night near sydney north


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Hi All, I was wondering if anyone might share a an outing when they go out to net some prawns and possibly garfish at night with a basic landing net. Saw this a while ago on a program with aired and they caught garfish with just a headlight and net.

Regarding the prawns, I am just keen to see what and how its all done.... Is prawning done by also walking along the shore and just scooping them up? It would be great if there are nearby places in the north to do this. Having a young family night time fishing is my only real option.

kind Regards


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Prawning is done in a similar way but is harder to do than netting Gars.

Prawning with a head torch or hand held torch while walking the shallows is a pain but you can get your required qty for bait this way if you are after them for just bait. They're eyes reflect the light so you can spot them if you know what to look for, but the little buggers like to run.

Gars however are attracted to the light and become pretty docile so you just scoop the little suckers up, provided you have found them. I usually bring along a burley tube with chicken pellets to attract them then scoop them up. Not a fun way to catch them but if you are hunting for them at night it's the best method besides throwing a net over them. I'd rather catch them on 4lb line and a float in the day time, they look like mini Marlins jumping outta the water :banana:

My preferred method for Prawning is an underwater light and standing in a run out tide and wait for the little suckers to drift down towards you to be scooped up. They try to run away from your light when they come into range or pretend they are part of the weed they are hanging onto. Much easier than stalking them in the shallows, but like all fishing, it's a matter right conditions and luck :biggrinthumb:

Not to sure where you would go in Sydney as i usually do it down in Lake Illawarra.

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Narrabeen Lagoon used to be an alright spot for prawning, not sure what its like these days. A prawning scoop net and underwater light and a good position in the run out to the ocean are all that's required. If you go further north for a weekend then The Entrance is pretty good too.

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