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Gulp Help needed


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We are heading to Soldiers point for a week monday and the mrs talked me into buying some Gulp to use, big question i have is how to I rig it?

Do I just use it like I would regular bait on a normal hook or do I rig it with a jig head and use it as a lure.

I never fished with any type of lure or soft plastic so i am a bit confused by it all.

sorry for the noob question,



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G'day Wayno,

You can rig plastics in a few different ways depending on what you want to do and what you want to catch. I am not familiar with the area but I am thinking that you are going to target flathead and for this I think a jig head 1/4 size or lower depending on water depth should do the trick.

Basically all you have to do is let your plastic sink to the bottom and hop it back to you along the bottom. You can also try the double rip in the hopes of getting the attention of a big one or a nearby jew. This is where you quite quickly and aggressively rip the lure off the bottom by about a metre and give it another quick sharp hop for up to another metre. Be prepared though, jews love this technique so if you are going to use it make sure your gear is up to the challenge.

With a flatty you will feel a little bump on your line generally when the lure is on its way back down, don't immediately strike! This is very important. Let the fish have it for a second or two and give it a nice big yank (but not so hard to pull the hook out of its mouth) and 9 times out of ten you will have a flatty on.

If you wanted you could also rip it through the water back to you nice and quickly in the hope of a bit of tailor/salmon action. Just reel in nice and fast with a few twitches along the way.

Soft plastics are a great way to fish and a very successful way once you nut out the techniques. Just keep going at it and I am sure you will get onto some beauties.

Good Luck


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