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How to use the tagging on your posts

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You will see 2 fields when you make a post, topic title, topic tags

Topic Tags are a way of sorting information that can be searched for later.


For example if your post is about catching flathead in the Hawkesbury at sunset you might tag the post with the words HAWKESBUSY, FLATHEAD, FISHING AT SUNSET

Members can click on the words in the tags list on that post and they will be presented with a whole list of other posts tagged with those words.

You could use this to tag your posts to find easily eg: if you make a post about a PB then make the tag "DONNA PB". Each time you get a PB use that tag. If you did a search later on down the track all your PB posts will come up :)

Swordie had tagged his last post with "4 days away with the boyzzzz" That tag on its own would not do much.I altered it to "days away with the boyzzzz" and added the same tag to his Weipa post in Sept. See the screenshot below of the search results


There are many ways you can use tags to help manage information. I am sure members will think of lots of ways :)

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