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Danjera Dam on a Monday


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It had been raining for days in advance, but we had planned this for weeks, so we were going down regardless!

Arrived at the Yalwal camp ground late Sunday arvo, set up the tent, lit a fire, threw a few hand lines in from the bank hoping to catch a nice eel for breakfast then hit the beers and went to bed.

Got up at 6, and all the hand lines had been snapped, so obviously we had caught eel, but unfortunately it wasn't going to be breakfast! Straight onto the water in the inflatable, we can see a few bass hitting the surface, so we slyly try to entice them in. I'm using a cicada surface lure and my mate on a diver.

Unfortunately we were on the water til 11am but didn't catch a thing. I think the weather may have been working against us.

An enjoyable trip though, can't wait til the next time!

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