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Motor flushing - Evinrude Etec


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Gday Raiders

This could sound like a silly question, but how long do you flush your motor running ?

I have a 75hp 2014 Etec and when the dealer was giving me a on water demo he said not to flush the motor for more than 5mins because I risk overheating the engine, this apparently is due to a lesser volume of water being accessed by the motor from your hose when compared to in the water.

Most people I've spoke to tell me they flush for 10-15 minutes. My maintenance manual doesn't actually give me a minimum time to run the motor when flushing.

any pointers would be much appreciated ?

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I have a Yamaha 4 stroke 60hp, I use a salt away when flushing my outboard and I very happy with results.

they recommend run your outboard with flush muffs for 5 mins (this allows the thermostat to open) then run salt away for 30 secs and turn off engine, it leaves a film that keeps your outboard salt free.

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I flush my 50 Suzuki 4 stroke in a large bucket and keep the water from the telltale in a bucket and keep topping up the big bucket until the water is very warm and that flushes out the salt

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Mate, go to Bunnings and buy an 'American' tap fitting nozzle (the connection that screws strait onto tap) that screws directly into the motor. You don't have to use the rabbit ears to flush the engine. This circulates clean water through bypassing the thermostat so you don't have to wait for the water to become warm to open the thermostat. All you need is about three minutes of flushing. Great feature on the E-techs.

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On your E-tec motor where the water runs out (spits out of) the leg when you flush it with the rabbit ears has a thread. The fitting is the same as the fittings you screw onto your outside taps to plug a hose in. You need that fitting but with an American thread pattern (it's the opposite of the Australian thread). Costs about $4 from Bunnings and is where all the hose fittings are. You screw it into your motor and plug the hose straight onto it. If you can't find it I'll take a photo and upload.

yes you still have to run your motor but don't have to wait for the thermostat to warm up and open to get the clean flush you want.

Edited by The President
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Thanks for the feedback guys

Some more silly questions, how does the thermostat open up if I'm pumping tap water through the garden hose and bunny ears, as obviously the water is not being recycled and isn't getting any warmer.

I would like to try the bucket idea but not sure what temperature the thermostat opens up is this in the maintenance manual anywhere ?

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Guest Aussie007

Thanks for the feedback guys

Some more silly questions, how does the thermostat open up if I'm pumping tap water through the garden hose and bunny ears, as obviously the water is not being recycled and isn't getting any warmer.

I would like to try the bucket idea but not sure what temperature the thermostat opens up is this in the maintenance manual anywhere ?

the thermostat is there to create a circuit of warm water once the engine is up to operating temprature the thermostat will open and cycle the hot water with fresh cool water and it will keep doing this cycle automatically while the engine is running

the thermostat is preset to open at a certain temprature if u look up your engine on a microfiche it might say it if not look it up in a workshop manual, usually its set to open automatically just below boiling point i think around 70-75c (i could be wrong have never tested a outboard theromstat) as water boils at 100c

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