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1770 Pelagics


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G'day raiders!

So ive managed to score a few weeks off work inbetween jobs and Ive decided to head on up to 1770  campsite at Agnes Water on May 15th for two weeks.

Any raiders out there have any info on what Pelagics will still be around this time of year? , seen reports and photos of big model Spanish and the odd GT still knocking around and the waters still pretty warm , was thinking to hit the Catwalk, Round Hill and Bustard with the metals and poppers and if that fails grab the tinnie and get out to the reef for some Reds action?

Any advice would be a solid ive never been up those ways and ive heard so many fishos rave about it for Landbased Pelagics,

 Urangan pier also looks like it could be worth a few casts too?

Tight Lines! :fisher:


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