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3 zanders with Veikka


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Hi again.

Vili was playing with he`s friend, so we tuc car, softplastic gears and did drive to pier.  First cast and fish on, we use net with Veikka, but fish release him self, too late, we still grap it. Veikka was really exinting. So we walk from pier to land for cleaning fish, but knife was home. So use pliers for take blood out. Walk back to pier, and second cast, again fish on, this time i give Veikka to try use net, and he`s done quite good, need help for pulling fish up. This Zander was under limits and we release it. Then we continue fishing, but not even bites. We change fishing to land, drink some juices and whatching birds. Then i give Veikka to choice new oftplastic body, walk back to pier, 1th cast and fish on again, Veikka use net and we had 3th zander on pier. This 3th was allso under limit. Any way, 3 zander in 2 hours from pier, not so bad, and we really enjoy.







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Size limit depens where you fishing. This side that bridge it s 42cm, other side 40cm and some plases it is 45cm. I try keep 42-45cm everywhere where i fishing.  That biggest zander was 48cm, but under 1 kg.

And yes, it is taste good, really boneless fish. I like moste smoked that or fried on pann.

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