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Sans Souci park area


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Hey guys, i've got a kayak that I can use launching off the beach at the st George sailing club and therefore a short distance to paddle under the captain Cook bridge and access the immediate area (sans Souci park jetty opens to this area). 

Having only caught small 10cm tailor here whilst in the troll, what else can be caught in this area?

I've heard of jewies being caught at the bridge pylons, but I've not had any luck bouncing SPs. I have heard there is a big hole somewhere - however cannot find anywhere deeper than 13-15m.

If there are any that yak in this area, keen to do a joint session sometime in the future (if there is stuff to catch in this area this time of the year).

Thank you! 

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Mate, do you have a sounder with gps fitted to the yak? I know they say fish holes, but ill test your knowledge here......what other areas do they say to target mulloway?.....it has to do with the depth.  Im not going to give it away, a quick search on google will even provide you an answer, as well as the mulloway pinned post in these forums.  Pm if your really stuck.

13-15m is pretty much bang on, tide depending, but the whole area of CC bridge is around that depth apart from the pylon on the southern side which becomes shallower. 

Same goes for the north eastern side, becomes shallower as you head from the channel markers to the yacht club(i think it is)....can get whiting and nippers around there, bream and flatties also.

Keep at it, youll get your mulloway.  If you drag up a legal tailor, chuck a hook in it and drift it around. Even a 75cm jew will have no drama attacking that!!!

I fish both bait and plastics, caught heaps of mulloway anchored and drifting.  I dont generally fish the deeper sections in particular. Not that i havnt caught them in the deeper sections i must add.

Also, bream, tailor, flatties, rays, eels, squid, baby snapper, trevally can be caught using both plastics and bait.

I wont give away an answer, id prefer you to think for yourself, research, put into practise.  Your in the right area in general, think a little more.  Pm me if needed.

Not trying to be a smart arse either.

Keep at it man, research and try. If it fails, dont give up.  Try and try again, you will be rewared with your mulloway.


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