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Trying to include photos...

big Neil

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This is NOT a genuine post! I am trying to get back to where I used to be ages ago...namely putting a constructive post on here which includes a story and some pictures. Here goes...

This first picture is a Luderick caught in Sydney on a weed fly. Instruction courtesy of DerekD



The next two photos are of Murray Cod which I have caught this season (since Dec 1st 2020)




and lastly a small Trout Cod...


It looks like the pictures have uploaded properly, hopefully the post will appear as it is meant to..

BEHIND THE SCENES : I have limitations in everything I do. Recently I have acquired Windows 10 and found it to be very different to Windows 8.1 which I had learned to use over a number of years. In Windows 10, I could not find a way to include the photos which I took, into my Fishraider posts, something which I found beneficial to presenting a "proper report".

In true FISHRAIDER style Kingie Chaser offered to help me overcome the problems which i was confronting and we had set up time tomorrow to link up. This morning my daughter asked if I was home and they came over for some morning tea. It was lovely to see them. My son in law has his own business and is often very busy. However, today he helped by showing me how to operate Windows 10 so that I could edit and post my photos on Fishraider. Hence this mock post which is in the wrong area, to see whether I can get back to where I used to be. Thank you Michael and thank you Adrian (KC) for offering to get me over this hurdle. That's what I like about this site and the people on it. I even had Donna help me with a glitch recently. I am never going to understand computers but if I can just do the things that I need to do, I'll be happy.

Thank you, I will now see if the post loads onto the site. bn

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Neil. Don't know if you remember but it was you who taught me how to load photos on this site, and I am running win 10.

You was sitting besides me at my computer.

Remember the right click resize thing ? and you should be OK.


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I used to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager however it was not included in the later versions of Office

I found an install for it and use it still if needed.

FastStone Photo Resizer is easy to use and a free little program. Good if you have a large number of pics to do in a batch. 

Adding them on here is pretty easy. Use drag and drop if on your computer or laptop or choose files from where they are stored. 

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1 hour ago, frankS said:

Neil. Don't know if you remember but it was you who taught me how to load photos on this site, and I am running win 10.

You was sitting besides me at my computer.

Remember the right click resize thing ? and you should be OK.


Very odd Frank. I do remember showing you something about resizing photos, though I didn't know you were using Windows 10. I got it when it first came out but found it far too complicated to use so switched back to Windows 8.1

The right click thing I don't recall but I'm going to have a bit of a play to see if it rings any bells.

Hope you're well and keeping safe. Cheers, Neil

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15 minutes ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

I used to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager however it was not included in the later versions of Office

I found an install for it and use it still if needed.

FastStone Photo Resizer is easy to use and a free little program. Good if you have a large number of pics to do in a batch. 

Adding them on here is pretty easy. Use drag and drop if on your computer or laptop or choose files from where they are stored. 

Thanks Donna I'm going to check it out. bn

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See what I mean by people being helpful. I got used to using Paint to resize photos. Windows 10 offers Paint 3D. What Michael (son in law) showed me allows me to use Paint so I'm happy with that.

FRANKS. I checked out the right click and sure enough it provides yet another avenue to resize photos. However, I had forgotten that. Fair dinkum, I'm getting worse. LOL.

Hope you're all having a happy Australia Day, bn

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